FAQ on the GST in India

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Frequently Asked Questions about GST Billing Software

  1. What is the GST?
  2. When should a business have multiple GST identification numbers?
  3. Can I edit my data after filing my returns for the month?
  4. What is the deadline for paying GST tax in India?
  5. How are refunds arising from earlier tax laws paid?
  6. Can GST paid on a reverse charge basis be considered input tax?
  7. What are the differences between free and premium Sleek Bill for India licenses?
  8. Can I customize my documents?
  9. How to add a New Tax or tax group ?
  10. Can I apply multiple taxes to the same product?
  11. I need to create a purchase order. Can I do that?
  12. How do I create a Bill from a purchase order?

GST Is The Talisman To Build The Single, Strong And Fast Economy